
8 Skills You Need To Become a Highly Successful YouTuber

8 Skills You Need To Become a Highly Successful YouTuber

YouTube is the biggest video streaming platform on the internet so everyone wants to become a successful YouTuber. And why not? YouTube has over 2 billion active monthly users which serve as the biggest and widest pool of audiences from every corner of the cornet that YouTubers can reach with just a simple video. But with the massive amount of YouTube users, the amount of YouTubers is also increasing every day, increasing the competition with it. So not every video content creator on YouTube ends up being a successful YouTuber.     

If you want to become a successful YouTuber, you need to know that there are a variety of skills to create content that actually attracts viewers. This includes quality scripting, storytelling, and of course, video editing. Then when people will actually start clicking on your videos, you need to retain them. And for that, you would need a bunch of other skills; thumbnail creation and title crafting to name a few. So let's see what skills are a must-have to become a highly successful YouTuber today.

     The technical skills

When you hear of the ‘YouTuber’ you don’t typically think of ‘Technology’ because apparently being a YouTuber is the easy way out to show your creativity. However, to become successful on the biggest video streaming platform, you need to involve technology. So let’s focus on the technical skills you would need when you want to become popular on the platform.

1.    Researching

If you are serious about growing your YouTube channel, you need to know what people are watching the most so that you can too be in that group. For that, you will need to do your research very well. This includes both, keyword searching and trending topic researching. You need to do keyword research to understand what people are typing to find videos on the platform. However, all keywords are not created equal. Some that are highly searched on YouTube are not easy to rank for in the platform so you need to search for trending topics as well.

2.    YouTube SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the hottest thing in this digital realm that helps videos and websites become more visible, which applies to YouTube as well. On the video streaming platform, it is the process of placing high-ranking and relevant keywords in video titles and descriptions that helps the algorithm understand what the video is about. When the algorithm understands the video, it recommends it to viewers, increasing its views. So it is extremely important to understand YouTube SEO and place the right keywords in the right places.

3.    Video production

Crafting and producing a video can be pretty technical even for the down-to-earth YouTube. You might have to learn some extra technical skills depending on what kind of videos you make. These include –

     Set Design - creating an interesting backdrop for the videos

     Sound design - making sure the sound of the video is top-notch. For that, you might have to buy a high-quality microphone, reduce background and wind noises while editing, etc.

     Video quality - buying a high-quality video camera and accessories to get stunning and clear footage.

     Lighting - understanding how lighting works in your space and buying lights if necessary.

4.    Graphic design

Before anyone clicks on a video and watches it, they look at the video's thumbnail and then decide whether they should watch the video or not. While deciding they might read the extra text that explains the video better. Or they might look at the emojis and symbols that reinforce the idea better. These visual cues help people decide whether they should tune in to what you are presenting or not. Fortunately, you do not have to be a full-blown graphic designer to make interesting YouTube thumbnails, you just need to know the basics of design.

5.    Video editing

Editing a video is equally important as a good script and the content. Video editing is also pretty technical as it requires you to deal with software. While editing content, you will spend more time deleting clips than adding, so that the end result is captivating. This is also when you understand the usage of special effects, sound effects, music, text, transitions, etc. There are various software that are quite popular for YouTube editing iMovie, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.

6.    Channel analytics

Growing a YouTube channel is much easier when you know what is not working and what is working in your favor. To understand this more clearly, you need to understand the analytics that YouTube Studio offers. Here you will get data on the basics such as views, watchtime, and subscriber count. There are a lot of things on YouTube that you need to learn to understand how you're performing better. These are Audience Reaction, Click-through rate, Engagement, YouTube traffic suggestions, and New vs. returning viewers.

     Non-technical skills

Besides hardcore technical skills, you will also need to learn some soft skills because YouTubers do much more than just film, edit, and upload. Now let's focus on the nontechnical skills that you need to master to become a successful YouTuber.

7.    Networking

One easy way to grow your YouTube channel is by collaborating with other creators in your same niche. Creators who collaborate with likewise creators often get more views and access to a wider pool of audience. They also get more subscribers as both collaborators come and work together while sharing similar audiences on the video streaming platform.

8.    Storytelling

When you have a YouTube channel, communication is everything. When you are just starting out, learn how to speak confidently and clearly while recording videos. This also serves as a great help in storytelling. To improve this, you can spend some time watching your favorite YouTubers and gain inspiration from channels and videos in your niche. A very popular and well-working storytelling format that always works is intro/video hook - rising action - climax - falling action - cliffhanger where you suggest another video from your channel.

At the very end, you need to remember that every YouTube channel starts with zero subscribers. So even if no one is watching your video now, if you work hard enough, people will start watching them sooner or later. All you have to focus on when starting out is creating quality content, learning the basics, and focusing on staying consistent. And if you want some push to your channel, work with Video Promotion Club, a reputed video marketing company, giving you the right amount of organic visibility and engagement at a fair price. .


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