
How to Get Views on YouTube: The Secret Way to Get Genuine Views

How Get Views on YouTube

Getting successful on YouTube is a tough task. Especially, when the platform is the biggest video streaming platform on the internet, the competition is bound to be at its peak. However, that does not mean that creators should lose all hope, stop trying, and wait for that one miracle. There are ways to get recognition on YouTube, real recognition. You can get authentic views, where you don't have to use any bots and pay for any fake views and engagement. You have to take some measures, do some strategic planning, and you will start to see improvements quite fast.

So, if you are wondering how get views on YouTube, you need to start becoming more involved in your own channel. Some creators have absolutely built their channels from scratch and without any backup or promotion, they are now some of the biggest stars on the platform. Which means that you can do it too. But how? Let's figure that out.

How views are counted on YouTube?

Before we move on to the tricks and tips on how you can get more views on your channel, you need to understand what actually counts as a view on the platform. Every time a viewer intentionally plays a video on YouTube and watches the video for at least 30 seconds, it counts as a view. Yes, if you play your own video, it will be counted as a view too.

When a viewer watches your video more than once, each time it screens will be counted as a view. However, refreshing again and again to try to get as many views as possible will not go unnoticed by the platform. Any views that are included in the YouTube embedded videos, or the videos that are shared on Facebook, will also be counted as a view on YouTube. Other than this, there are also views from Live videos that are counted as views.

Now that you understand what counts as a view on YouTube, let’s get into the tricks and strategies you can use to increase your view count on the platform.

5 ideas that can increase organic views on YouTube

1.    Do the right research

You know YouTube as a video streaming and social media platform. But did you know it is the second-largest search engine on the internet? So, one of the most practical ways to get more visibility for your videos is through YouTube SEO, and for that, you need to start optimizing the video content. So, you need to do the right research that will involve your target audience. Focus on what kind of keywords they are using to search for similar content. This will help you rank near the search list on the YouTube search engine. Find the next inspiration for your videos by looking at what your target audience is most interested in, at the moment. Research well for the keywords, choose the right and relevant ones, and put them in your video titles, descriptions, and metadata.

2.    The correct use of metadata

When your goal is to get as many views on YouTube as possible, the ideal place to get a cue is from the most popular videos in your subject or niche. You can start by looking at the most well-performed videos of your competitors. You can do this by visiting their channel, going to the library, and sorting the videos out by clicking on "most popular". The main goal of the platform is to keep viewers on YouTube for as long as possible, which leads to automatic recommendations from the platform and you need to get into these recommendations. You can easily get your video placed in the topically related video section by choosing the right keywords and using them properly. While choosing the keywords for your videos, keep this in mind and craft the metadata like that. For a little inspiration, you can look at your competitors' videos too.

3.    Get your title right

The title of the video is where you make the most of your keywords. The video title is something that will make or break your efforts. A title is something that influences your audiences to actually watch the video, while also being a possible factor in impressing the YouTube algorithm. A title well-written creates a difference between a video being ignored and a video that an audience will watch and share. So, what makes a title great? It should be between 60-70 characters, it should spark curiosity among viewers. You can include numbers in the title parentheses, or brackets to make it more interesting. However, the most important thing about titles is that they should represent the content of the video accurately. You can take inspiration from the videos that come up on YouTube's front page that you, as a viewer, want to click on.

4.    Custom thumbnails for the win

To increase your views on YouTube, you need to start treating every viewer as a discoverer, finding out something new by clicking on your videos. When your viewers are in that discovery mode, going through recommendations and their search results, thumbnails are a major part of what makes them decide to click on your video. Thumbnails are so important, specially customized thumbnails, so much so that around 90% of the most viewed videos on YouTube have custom thumbnails. Remember the thumbnail should be clear and completely accurate about what is in the video content. Another thing that you need to check is whether the thumbnail goes with the video title and then you are set. Let your creativity flow!

5.    Create playlists

Creating video playlists and organizing them in a pattern minimizes the chance of your viewer moving on to another channel before consuming your content. You have already done the hard work, you have created the video, guided the viewer toward the video, and made them watch it. Now the next most natural thing is to guide them toward your other videos. However, don’t forget to put the SEO while crafting playlist titles as well.

Apart from the above-mentioned five secret tips, you need to improve your tagging and spend some serious time with your YouTube descriptions. Additionally, interact with your viewers, respond to their comments, pin their comments, and thank them at every opportunity you get. Getting more views organically is also possible if you work with Video Promotion Club, a reputed video marketing company working in the industry for years. You can get its effective services at a reasonable price.



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