
7 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Maximum Viewership

7 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Maximum Viewership

YouTube is the biggest video streaming platform in the world which can take you to a wider audience pool, helping you to get noticed on the platform. YouTube has over 2 billion active monthly users which gives content creators a huge window to reach out to international audiences. This is why video marketing has become one of the most trending marketing strategies and every business is opening a YouTube channel. However, this on the other hand is also increasing competition on the social media platform. It is becoming harder and harder every day to get noticed among the big names.

Does that mean all hopes are lost? Does this mean only viral channels will gain views? Precisely not. You can also become the next viral YouTube channel, you just need to know tricks. It can be possible to become popular, even if you are starting from scratch if you get the promotional tactics right. So here are the 7 ways you can promote your YouTube channel and get the maximum viewership.

1.    High-quality videos

Many factors intrigue a user to view YouTube videos and choose which channel they will subscribe to. One of the primary factors is the quality of the videos. YouTube browsers bring unique sets of interests to the feeds of its users, and they prefer the viewers to indulge in relevant videos to satisfy their interests. So it is the responsibility of the creators to respect the choice and time of the viewers and provide them with high-quality videos. Producing high visual quality content with each video you publish can win you long-term viewer loyalty as well.

2.    Video titles should be descriptive

YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the internet, right after Google. So writing SEO-rich and descriptive video titles can earn you the top spot in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) in Google. At the same time, it also increases your spots on YouTube's search engine, while writing specific titles can earn you the trust of the viewers. For example, if your video is titled 'Best Fashion Tips', it is broad so it might not capture the specific interest of the viewers. Instead, try to use titles like 'Best Fashion Tips for a Rainy Day'. This explains the video better and is more focused.

3.    Trendy keywords

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the key to staying relevant and at the top of the internet these days. As mentioned above, YouTube is the second-biggest search engine, so you need to try your best to make your video as relevant as possible while making it SEO-rich as well. One way to do this is by putting trendy keywords on the title and description of your video. If you cannot find what keywords are trending, you can try Google's free keyword planner tool to find what keywords are trending and choose relevant ones from them. You can also use the title that YouTube suggests when you type something on the search bar to inspire your own title. But remember to avoid the trendy keywords that do not go with the content in your video, choose the ones that are relevant to what your content is about.

4.    Custom thumbnails

Video thumbnails can grab a user's attention faster than anything else can. Think of it as a headline of an article you read on the internet, something that creates the first impression, and attracts people in the first place. To make sure you are crafting an intriguing thumbnail, go for a custom thumbnail. You can pull an image from the video to create a thumbnail or upload a completely separate image. No matter what image you choose, there are some factors you need to adhere to. The thumbnail images should be in a 16:9 aspect ratio and should be in GIF, JPG, or PNG format. The image should also be no bigger than 2 MB.

5.    Accurate descriptions

Did you know that video descriptions impact your position on YouTube's Search Engine Results Page? So make sure to create accurate descriptions under the video and keep it short. Although the platform allows you to write up to 5000 characters, all the best YouTube video descriptions are kept to the point. Here you can also mention the keywords that you used in your video titles, as well as those that turned up in your SEO search. At the same time, the same rule goes for your channel description on the platform, because just like the video descriptions, channel descriptions also influence SEO rankings. So focus on relevant keywords and stick to accuracy in all your descriptions. 

6.    Other social media sites

When you have a YouTube channel, it does not mean your efforts should be limited to the video streaming platform. To make sure you are getting every ounce of traffic, take your YouTube channel to other social media platforms. Make sure all your followers on every platform know that you have a channel on YouTube and post regularly. When you upload a new video, make sure to post the link on other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. For that extra impact, post the video on Facebook and change the video settings to public view. This will let your friends share them on their feeds as well.

7.    Collaborations

One of the most effective ways to get popular on YouTube and enhance the circle of your followers and viewers is through collaborations. In social media platforms, particularly on YouTube, you will find like-minded content creators to cross-promote each other's channels and videos in exchange for more exposure. You can either collaborate with creators that you find interesting by making videos together, or you can link each other’s videos with yours. You can even extend this collaboration beyond YouTube and promote each other on social media platforms. This will help you both along the way, gaining a fraction of each other's audiences.

Other than this, you can also maintain a mixture of pre-recorded videos and live videos to create a special connection with the viewers. However, for a better and easier way of promoting your YouTube videos, you can get help from any reputed video marketing company. Video Promotion Club is one such promotional company that will gain your exposure along with increased engagement organically. Moreover, you will get several packages at such an affordable price. However, you also need to keep promoting yourself to reach better results! .


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